Shasta Guides
You Lead
Hi, I’m Shasta (they, them)
Your guide through
Growth & Transformation
Explore My Services
Workshops & Cleanses
Events for your executive team and cleanses to refresh your space and projects.
Tarot Readings
Connect to the heart of the cards to guide you through growth and transformation.
A musical map & transcript for leaders devoted to their purpose & mission.
Soul Map Readings
The highest in me serves to enliven and empower the highest in you.
Spiritual Guidance
Inspiring Generations Towards Liberation
My mission at Shasta Guides is to inspire and empower. I believe in nurturing the soul, expanding the mind, and challenging societal norms that limit our spiritual growth. Join me in a journey toward creating a more harmonious and just world for generations to come.
What Clients are Saying
“One of the many powerful messages from my birth chart reading was to bring to my awareness to things I felt but could not put into words.”
"Shasta is such a receptive ally and I immediately felt that I could trust her to hear my truth. She welcomed me into a community of supportive womxn at a time when I needed it most."
Gloria Chou - PR Coach | Everybody’s Unofficial Hype-woman
Sarah - Graduate Student | Counselor
“I appreciated the reading and woke up with a lot of insights.”
Natasha @sparrowsong_studios - Artist | Creative Process Teacher
“Shasta’s words about my light and my way helped me a lot. Ideas appear clearer and curious!”
Julie Elleouët - Artist | Reflexologist